Hi everyone, Wintermute is excited to announce our first batch of grant applications we intend to support for Round 1 of Arbitrum’s Short-Term Incentive Program.
Our selection process is based on the set of core selection characteristics outlined below.
Core Selection Characteristics:
However, this does not necessarily mean that a project had to satisfy all characteristics.
We have selected 5 initial protocols that we plan to support once voting goes live for Round 1:
Vertex Protocol
Vertex Protocol has successfully proven its ability to attract users, liquidity providers, and trading volume by providing a highly professional trading experience on Arbitrum. The grant size is on the high end, however, we like that it scales with the success of the program and that any unused funds will be returned. Overall, the grant objectives align with the goals of the STIP; reduced fees will put Vertex ahead of CEX competitors and hopefully migrate users; incentivizing the democratization of order book LPing adds another bit of infrastructure to Arbitrum within an already successful protocol.